Tips For A Better Butt + More!
Happy Day! It's a beautiful, sparkling day after a much needed hard rain yesterday. I hope your week and weekend have gone well. If you’ve bumped into some challenges along the way, that is good
Happy Day! It's a beautiful, sparkling day after a much needed hard rain yesterday. I hope your week and weekend have gone well. If you’ve bumped into some challenges along the way, that is good
Happy Monday to you! I hope you’ve all had a productive week and enjoyable weekend. Today I will share: - My son, Mana has arrived! - The Magic X Factor Part 3/3 - Mike Salemi
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice time this weekend, and got some time to put your feet on the ground, and spend some time “within yourself”. I had a very busy weekend
Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed my last blog on Flatland. I trust that your Valentines weekend was happy and spent with Loved-ones. I was busy working on my new CHEK Holistic Coach program this
Happy Monday to You! I hope you are enjoying what you are creating each day, and that your weekend was joyful. Today in my blog, I will share: 1. Are You Stuck in Flatland? 2.
Happy Monday! I hope you are all creating love in yourself each day as a gift to the world. I’m taking the day off from working today to rest after a week of meetings with
Happy Monday! I’m having one business meeting today, and then I’m planning to finish painting my 2016 Mandala. Sunday was the beginning of my instructor training week at the Heaven House. Our CHEK Faculty Instructor
Happy Monday! I hope your New Year is starting off beautifully and that you feel inspired to create your dreams each day as we move into the year’s unfolding. I’ve been busy, but finding time
Happy Monday! I hope you are enjoying the New Year! We are getting lots of rain here in San Diego, which is lovely, and much needed! I chose to leave “Exploring Pornography Pt. 3” up