My Love and Life~Force to you for a beautiful day.
I sit here in my beautiful office this morning, peaceful in the Grace of my own becoming. I am surrounded by my beautiful plant friends, beautiful statues and art my mother (to see Meera’s work, visit: and a friends created. I am at peace within, and because of that, I can see the world before me as it really IS.
Day before yesterday, my soul informed me that it was time to eat some fish to support my hormonal system and to aid my recovery from exercise. It was an exciting day for me after not eating meat for a year. My soul has taken me on many journeys and the journey into vegetarianism for the last year is my second visit to that way of being.
My first journey was when I was 12. After six months I became anemic and a Naturopathic physician told my mother, “this kid needs a steak!” And so it was to be. This time, my journey into vegetarianism taught me many valuable and beautiful things. I became more light in my being and clear in my mind. My third eye opened significantly, allowing me to see into the astral and mental realms with stunning beauty and clarity. I became much more capable of seeing where people’s entanglements were, which allowed me to give them simple, practical suggestions (when they asked for them or my soul suggested a gentle whisper in their ear as an offering).
Today, approaching my 50th year of life, I feel fantastic! I’m still fit in body and ever the-more clear of mind than I’ve ever been in my life. Such a great feeling. I’m surrounded by people that share love with me, which spontaneously releases the love in me to ALL beings. Even alone, I feel and see the company of the myriad of spirits within THE ONE GREAT SPIRIT.
I call this piece of art I drew a few years ago, The Great Tao Expressed. This is what the Great Tao speaks through me to you today:
Silence IS my name
I AM the Unmoved Mover
Yet, I dance without guilt or shame.
Everywhere I look,
My SELF is all I see,
“Your eyes” are my joy of sight;
When you were a child, you
saw the ALL of ME.
As I grow,
I loose my SELF, so that
treasure you may find.
Though we are ONE,
you see my reflection as it
dances through your mind.
You see light and shadows,
I see ALL of You.
The actors on My movie stage,
do not wear the TRUE, for if they did,
there would be but one of you!
Look through the masks and
see the “I”, who is watching who?
It was your dream to dance and play,
so ALL the stars could see.
When you are done,
Undress your “self”, and
in the light you’ll BE.
There your role in movie-light
will be so much fun to see.
Come sit here in the front row,
I wait for you in ME.
Love and chi,
Paul Chek